Encourage and reward employees to come to work by bicycle

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Encourage staff to cycle to work with a bicycle wash

As an employer, do you want to encourage your staff to cycle to work more often? An effective way to achieve this is by offering a bicycle wash at work or rewarding cycling employees with a free bicycle wash.

Benefits of going to work by bike

There are many benefits to encouraging staff to cycle to work:

  • It is good for the health and physical condition of employees
  • It reduces car use and therefore CO2 emissions
  • It saves costs for both employees and employers
  • It contributes to better accessibility and fewer parking problems around the company

Reward cycling employees with a  permanent bicycle wash

A concrete way to encourage cycling to work is to install a bicycle wash in the bicycle parking on the company premises. Employees can then regularly have their bicycle washed free of charge (or for a fee). This is not only a nice bonus, but also ensures that bicycles are well maintained and last longer.

No room for a permanent bicycle wash? Then consider an event where regular cyclists receive a free wash for their bicycle.

Celebrate cycling employees with a bicycle washing day

Everyone likes a clean bike, but few like to clean their bike. That is why a bicycle wash is a great incentive to reward employees who regularly cycle. For example, every employee who comes to work by bike at least 3 days a week will receive . This way you make cycling even more attractive.

Communicate the bicycle-to-work actions

Make sure that all employees are well informed about the cycling incentive measures within the company. Actively communicate about the benefits of cycling to work and highlight the extras such as the bicycle wash.

With the right approach and attractive rewards such as a bicycle wash, staff will be more inclined to leave the car at home and come to work feeling fit by bike. That is healthy for employees, the environment and the employer.

Would you like to reward your staff with a bicycle washing day?

Or are you interested in a permanent bicycle wash at your work?